Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Writing Goals for 2011

Every beginning comes from some other beginning's end.

It seems like just yesterday I was setting my goals for 2010, and here I am, about to set new ones for 2011.

It's been a great year. Highlights: seeing friends at RWA Nationals in Orlando, working (and playing!) with my critique partners, and finishing my latest manuscript. Not everything went as planned, however. Before I move forward with goals for the New Year, here's a quick look back at last year's goals (in blue) and actual accomplishments (in purple).

1st Quarter:
--Revise RaR from beginning to end. (Did this, but I think it was 2nd quarter. In the first quarter, I revised MP instead.)
--Begin outlining my next story, the first in a Regency trilogy. (Wow. Totally forgot that I was going to make it a trilogy. But it's still doable, right?)
--Act as category coordinator for my chapter's contest. (Done. Phew.)

2nd Quarter:
--Work with my agent to prepare RaR for submission. (Got great insight from wonderful agent, but was busy drafting PMG . . . need to return to this in 2011.)
--Draft the first 3 chapters and synopsis of a new book. (Yes.)
--Redesign my website. (Yes, but I cheated a little and hired a tech-savvy friend.)

3rd & 4th Quarters:
--Complete a draft of the new book. (YES!)

--Work with and support my critique partners. (Loved every minute of this.)
--Enter and judge at least 2 RWA contests. (Check. Entered 3, judged 2.)
--Attend at least 4 WRW (Washington Romance Writers) meetings/workshops. (Only made it to one. *hangs head*)
--Read at least 4 books on craft.
(Oh my. How is it possible that I went through the whole year without reading a single craft book? Did read lots of blog posts on craft, though.)
--Attend either the WRW Spring Retreat or the RWA National Conference. (Went to Nationals, had a great time, learned lots.)

Now, for 2011's Goals . . .

1st Quarter:
--Revise PMG from beginning to end.

2nd Quarter:
--Revise RaR from beginning to end.

3rd & 4th Quarters:
--Complete a draft of a new book. (Apparently, it will be the 2nd in a trilogy.)

--Work with and support my critique partners.
--Enter and judge at least 2 RWA contests.
--Attend at least 2 WRW (Washington Romance Writers) meetings/workshops.
--Read at least 2 books on craft.
--Attend the RWA National Conference in NYC.

There. That doesn't seem too overwhelming. And I promise to be flexible when necessary.

By the way, I'm participating in the Ruby Slippered Sisters Winter Writing Festival (WWF) starting Jan. 10. Our slogan: "Finally! A writing festival that doesn't span a major holiday. (You know women are running it.)" If you want to get a jump start on writing/revising/plotting, please please please come check it out. The company is fabulous (if I do say so myself) and there are are even prizes for participants.


Keli Gwyn said...

Wow, Anne! Look at all you accomplished in 2010. Impressive!

I wish you all the best in 2011. I feel certain you'll achieve your goals, but I hope there are some BIG surprises in store for you, too.

Keli Gwyn said...

Me again. I LOVE the new look of your blog. =)

Anne Barton said...

Thank you, Keli! I think it will be a good year for both of us.

I'm glad you like the blog makeover. It was time!

Mary Curry said...

You accomplished so much last year, Anne. Good luck on the goals for 2011. I hope I get to meet you at RWA-NYC.

Anne Barton said...

Mary, thank you!!! It's easy for me to think about all the things I didn't do instead of the things I did. But hey, it's progress.

It would be GREAT to meet you in NYC. Enjoy your New Year's Eve and thanks so much for stopping by. (No black tie affairs for us, I guess!) ;)